Monday, August 9, 2010

The Siren Song of PJs

One of the challenges a person takes on when they work from home is resisting the urge to spend the whole day in their pajamas. What's the point if no one is going to see you, right?

Wrong! It doesn't matter. If you want to stay a sane person fit for society, do yourself a favor and get dressed. It doesn't have to be a cute, perfectly put-together outfit. As long as it's something other than what you slept in, then you're good to go.

If you fall into the trap of wearing your pajamas day in and day out, you'll start to feel like less and less of a functioning person. It'll affect your whole demeanor and likely take a toll on your quality of work and you determination to work in the first place. Just like with creating a workspace, it's all about the frame of mind when you're working from home.

Not only will  it affect your work, but it'll also carry over to your normal life. I read a great quote in one of the September issues the other day that said "Style is like a muscle. If you don't continue to exercise it, then you'll lose its power." Sooner or later you'll be faced with some social situation and not have a clue as to how to dress for it.

Don't let that happen to you!

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