I think this is now the eighth blog I've started. But, hey, I'm a writer, so it's basically compulsive. So, why am I now writing a blog about writing? Because I've only been at this a few months and I've been wildly successful and failed miserably a dozen times over. There's a lot of material here! I'm mostly working from home, alone, so I don't have anyone to learn from, gossip with, rant to, or help out, and I want all that. If that's the case with me, then I can only assume that's what it's like for everybody. So, I'm hoping this will be somewhat of a virtual water cooler. If you're a writer too, then come on in and join me. If you're thinking about being a writer, well, I'm going to be brutally honest, so maybe you'll learn something.
And now, a little bit about myself. I just graduated from Emerson College in Boston, which I think is an amazing writing school. I was a year early (thank you APs!) so I waved goodbye to all my friends and moved to Brooklyn on the assumption that a contracted position at an iPhone app would continue to run full-time. My dream is to land a steady job at a magazine while continuing to freelance on the side. Right now, I'm just freelancing...at places that pay me shit and have little to no hours. I'll be starting a fashion internship at an amazing magazine in a few weeks but it is, of course, unpaid. I also just finished the first draft of a nonfiction book and am thinking about actually trying to get it published.
I'll be writing about the pros and cons of freelancing, the trials and tribulations I go through, tips and tricks I've picked up along the way, and any other stories that strike my fancy and will hopefully strike yours. Feel free to chime in!
See you around.
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